Cake Decorating

It's just cake !

Hi everyone x I really just wanted to let someone know about what just happened to me and I’m pretty sure you are the only people that may understand .
I was approached by someone who had seen one if my cakes (the snooker table ) via a link here from face book , she asked if I could do the same cake with a figure sat on the table but she didn’t want to pay any more than £30 . At this point I very politely explained that this cake from scratch took me around 8 hours to complete to which she said she could go to £35 , i told the lady that most cakes that I make actually cost me that to produce including the boards and boxes ribbons and all the fresh ingredients ! "It’s just cake " was the response along with calling me a "rip off " ( I still had not given her a price ! )
I am aware that some people have no idea how much work , time and love goes into a cake but I cant help but feel a little disheartened that someone could value my work and time so poorly :-( Have any of you shared this experience and is there a way to a avoid it ?
I now HATE the term it’s just cake !!
Lisa x

Lisa Salerno Bespoke Cakes

26 Replies

Hi Lisa, I made a cake as a gift for my son’s friend, which I thought was very generous. Anyways coming the siblings birthday… The mother asked me to make a cake for the other kid. All well and fine… then as I mentioned to her cost of ingredients etc, bearing in mind that this needs 5 characters, printed ricepaper toppers, 2 tiers… etc. The response was something along the lines of “Oh you did it for free last time,” the cheek!! She then also went ahead and mentioned the cost of store cakes. Unfortunately that was my decision to be telling her that unfortunately I won’t be making this cake. To this day I don’t want to make a cake in that theme, lol. Declined 2 so far just because of the theme . it’s put me off a little wanting to do so!

Wallace x

Thats dreadful ! I have made several cakes over the years because I wanted to do it , also the practice is invaluable ! But I personally would never dream of asking for something specific and not be prepared to pay the going rate ! I have also been asked to make cakes as presents but would never give a “normal” present of such value !
Thanks so much for replying I am pleased I am not alone xx

Lisa Salerno Bespoke Cakes

Yes, very disheartening Lisa. I’m just a hobby baker, but have friends in business, and they have heard that refrain. Sometimes giving a customer an analogy…ie: would you offer a plumber £35 for 8 hrs work done in your home? I think not…he/she would just laugh and say…do you want your toilet/blocked pipes fixed or not? Here’s my price, take or leave it. Many are ignorant as they see these decorating shows, and everything is done in 30 min/ 1 hour….totally unrealistic of course…we know what goes on behind the scenes. Most like this usually also have zero baking experience. Sometimes the best answer to “it’s just cake”, is to respond, politely as you can….well if that’s so, why can’t you make the cake yourself?? Put it right back in there lap. There will always be rude, cheap people that want something for nothing. But know you have many, many who do appreciate your work. There is also the remote possibility Lisa, it was another decorator “scouting” out your cakes & prices. Don’t take it to heart Lisa. Would like to say that this won’t happen again…but I can’t. You do great work. Unfortunately they need to “walk a mile in my shoes” before they could truly understand.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Hi Lisa, not many customers understand what goes into a cake and how much time we spend onthem. Ive been doing this as a hobby now for nearly 10 years. I mainly make cakes either free for close family or at cost to me for other family and friends, I very rarely make anything on them. But, there have been times when ive charged strangers, most have been extremely happy and they really wanted the cake in the first place. But a few ive had to say no to because they just dont want to pay! Ive learnt to just wash my hands of people like this, its not worth the trouble. My advice to you is to just say no, be firm :) All you can do is explain what goes into your cakes and they either want it or not. Dont get disheartened, youll get many happy regular paying customers xxx

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Thank you lovely ladies for replying not sure why this upset me so much but you have made me feel so much better x

Lisa Salerno Bespoke Cakes

Your upset because she insulted what you do…so hard not to take it personally…. Only natural. Hope you feel better about this now…. :o)

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Obviously that woman has never made a cake from scratch. The majority of people only know the cost of a mix and nothing else. Not only that, they don’t even consider the shopping for the materials, the clean up (the part I really really hate), never mind the time you spend decorating it. After my husband saw what is involved, he was adamant about my not selling my cakes. After hearing stories like yours, I’m beginning to see his point. He says that people are not willing to pay what should be charged. Since it’s “only cake” then she can make her own.

Not had time to read the others’ responses above but just wanted to say sorry this happened to you! I’ve never had anyone say it to my face or even put it down on email or PM but am sure many have thought the same thought…even previous clients who I might have undercharged when I was learning and building my portfolio as I’ve had a few not respond back when they inquire after I’ve raised prices. However, don’t let it dishearten you for long as it is ALWAYS the case that there will be people who will undervalue the artistic skill that goes into creating something custom. But there will also be those that TRULY appreciate the work that goes into it and THOSE are the ones whose opinion should be valued. Not those that can’t see the bigger picture outside of themselves. You are entitled to feel slighted by that person but please don’t let it get you down for long. Your work is great and constantly improving so you should charge what is worthwhile to you. There is bound to be many more that will pay what you’re worth, than the one that would be so rude as to say such a thing. It’s something that we all have to deal with because there will always be those that “just don’t get it”. BIG HUGS Lisa and keep doing what you’re doing =D

Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™ -

I do think that people genuinely are shocked by what it costs if they’ve no experience of baking but that’s no excuse for calling you that. I find that doing business through Facebook leads to this quite a bit… Just tonight I’ve given an initial quote to someone for a wedding cake through my fb page and having been really chatty she didn’t even bother to reply after I gave her an in the region of price. It’s hard because we need to reach customers any way possible (especially for a newbie like me) but fb isn’t the best I find. Don’t take it to heart lovely, you’re not the first and unfortunately you won’t be the last! Oh and you’re worth it! (said in the Loreal advert stylie!) x

Mel, Yorkshire,

Oh, I can relate to this so much Lisa! It’s hard not to take it personally because what we create is an expression of ourselves and we internalize this kind of comment by wondering how some people could place so little value on our skills. But I’m slowly learning not to dwell on people who find my prices too expensive and to just conclude that they are just not the right customer for me. I would rather stop selling cakes altogether and just do it for fun, than accept another order where I’m going to hate myself for working for nothing. Don’t give her another thought. It’s her loss.
