Deepa Shiva - Deecakelicious is followed by 34 other members

Abha Kohli

274 posts and 22 followers


3,899 posts and 372 followers

Sugar coated by Nehha

423 posts and 49 followers

Felien-Decor 'N Dessert Diva

2,289 posts and 79 followers

Sweet Side of Cakes by Khamphet

13,764 posts and 422 followers

CuriAUSSIEty Cakes

9,653 posts and 855 followers

Reva Alexander-Hawk

130 posts and 112 followers


16,630 posts and 740 followers

Lotties Cakes & Slices

562 posts and 205 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,381 followers

Expressions Cake Art (Su)

408 posts and 66 followers

Jo Finlayson (Jo Takes the Cake)

1,850 posts and 253 followers


7,819 posts and 282 followers

Meenakshi S

431 posts and 98 followers

My Sweet Babycakes

62 posts and 11 followers

The Sweet Duchess

1,128 posts and 76 followers


121 posts and 74 followers

Piece O'Cake

338 posts and 43 followers

Bethann Dubey

21,624 posts and 487 followers

Sweet Owl Custom Cakes

163 posts and 36 followers

The sugar cloud cakery

468 posts and 85 followers

Karla Sweet Stories

1,163 posts and 150 followers

Deepa Pathmanathan

655 posts and 71 followers


4,172 posts and 160 followers

SweetKOKEKO by Arantxa

7,503 posts and 508 followers

Sweet ObsesShan

3,820 posts and 132 followers

Enza - Sweet-E

10,027 posts and 319 followers


177,783 posts and 1,473 followers

Aga Leśniak

8,378 posts and 268 followers

Jeanne Winslow

4,216 posts and 524 followers