Ioannis - tourta.apo.spiti is following 137 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,829 followers


9 posts and 70,054 followers


18,154 posts and 451 followers

MG SugarCake

28 posts and 218 followers


117 posts and 111 followers

Natalia Da Silva Carmona

26 posts and 270 followers


769 posts and 108 followers

Mayte Parrilla

747 posts and 154 followers

Love Blossoms Cakery- Jamie Moon

1,789 posts and 159 followers

Cakin' Jane

12 posts and 29 followers

barroco cakes

110 posts and 92 followers

Christian Giardina

251 posts and 355 followers

Sweet Little Treat

186 posts and 161 followers

Veenas Art of Cakes

5,462 posts and 600 followers

Victoria Abellán

192 posts and 56 followers

Maribel Ríos

121 posts and 71 followers

Viva la Tarta

71 posts and 194 followers

Isomalt by Mayte Rodríguez

99 posts and 68 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,381 followers

Verónica Castañón

73 posts and 52 followers

Berna García / Ilusiona Cakes

615 posts and 357 followers

xavier winiart

183 posts and 180 followers

Valentina's Sugarland

1,872 posts and 579 followers

Michael Almeida

209 posts and 301 followers

Novel-T Cakes

1,140 posts and 339 followers


16,630 posts and 740 followers

Angela Penta

2,250 posts and 498 followers


417 posts and 130 followers

Tartas Imposibles

2,780 posts and 753 followers


984 posts and 524 followers