Introduce Yourself

Creative escape for all of us

Hi everyone.
I am sorry for my English. I have stuted English for many years but without practice i forgot most of it……
First of all, huge thanks to each of you my sweet friends, i am very honored to be part of this wanderful and amazing WORLD!
All of us have a big or little personal problem ( own health problem or somebody close health problem or anything else ….) and it is very hard to deal them every day, every week, every year……. we need a creative escape to forget them, we need a creative “therapy”.
Making and decorating cakes is the only way out of me, i think of you too…… That’s why i am here, that’s why i have changed my profession recently to be pastry cook and to have my own bakery, to go out and “respire”…….
That’s why i say sincerely and wholeheartedly i am very proud of each of us because we are raelly so brave,strong and courageaos.
We must continue to create and tu support each other.
We need this, it is INDISPENSABLE!!!!!!!
Thank you………………………


11 Replies

Well said Lucine! xx

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Beautiful and heartwarming words!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Thank you very much !!!!!!!!


So very true, dear Lucine!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Yes, your absolutely correct Lucine..

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

I totally agree with you, dear Luciné :)


Yes,you are right Luciné,I think the same thing!!! :) <3


Thank you dear Sandra, June, Clara and Lallacakes.


Yes Lucinè, just what we were saying the other day, spreading the love must be our mission <3

Yes my dear Brave Adelina,by this message I wanted to say that we are many having thé same situation and we are not alone ❤❤❤❤✌
