28 Replies

I feel the hashtags you use depend on your personality, your (cake) style, and what you want to achieve with them – if you are tagging for SEO then using something like “cakeporn” or “foodporn” will get you further on Google than just “cake”.
As for using a box mix or scratch recipe – thats up to the baker. For me, pulling a perfect scratch cake out of the oven gives me a sense of achievement but the box cakes available now have come a long way.

Heaven in paper cups!

Angel the SEO point seems to ring true with that particular tag.

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

I would never, ever use the word “porn”. I I find it a disgusting word, and the meaning attached to it. Just as one of your followers stated.
As for Box vs Scratch….a argument that will never be solved. As you mentioned, a hotly debated subject. I do scratch as I don’t like the preservatives and additives in the Box mix. I feel scratch has a better texture, and I like to use organic sugar, not the high fruticose that’s in the Box mix. My son is fructose intolerant. I grew up with a baking from scratch Mom. If I use Box mix, it’s a organic one and I always doctor it. I watch for organic Box mix on sale, and keep a couple on hand in a pinch. Many decorators grew up in homes with either Box mix, or grocery store cakes, so using a Box mix isn’t out of the ordinary for them. There use to that type of cake. As for “cheating”, you make a good point about fondant/gumpaste….making vs buying….another debate!!!

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Oh gosh June I keep putting my foot in it! I don’t want another debate can of worms LOL!!

And yes I had never really thought about the term foodporn until she mentioned it and I will probably never use it again regardless of it’s mainstream foodie use. But I won’t be telling others they should not use it neither. :)

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

I am a hobbyist and don’t sell cakes either, but I prefer scratch recipes. You are right, though… most places where I was employed to work, did use premixes.
As to your hashtag words… personally I do not find them offensive, but I guess the world wide web reaches many countries, different cultures with differing standards and beliefs.
In addition if a person was a victim of abuse, they may have heightened sensitivities.

Julez, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Allways-Cakes/450634018350115?ref=hl

As Angel said, your free to use whatever you choose, it’s up to the individual baker. Depends on where you live, your customers, etc. And you have opened a can of worms Naomi, Ha Ha. Subject has never stopped circulating. Many cake groups on FB this subject is forbidden. If you start a conversation, it’s removed, and your warned. If you pursue, your removed permanently from the group. Some decorators are very, let’s say “passionate” about the subject to the point it can become extremely contentious, sometimes ugly. Many nasty remarks being made. SOooo, many groups just ban the subject/debate altogether.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Hi Naomi, there’s a can of worms you’ve opened right there! (Only kidding 😁) but I suppose what we would say quite innocently can take on a whole different meaning on the Internet. I am always taking photos of food and, in conversation, would use the words ‘cakeporn’ and ‘foodporn’ but I would be reticent to hashtag it on an Internet post. Google searches bring up the most disturbing images when you use innocent language never mind throwing the term ‘porn’ into the mix. For example, I typed in the word ‘Olaf’ when researching the character for a cake last year and a couple of images which popped up in the search for a children’s character were beyond X rated!!! In the context of the Internet then a less innocent word is fraught with danger. We know what we mean but unfortunately the WWW can’t make the differentiation and that’s why I’d steer clear of hashtagging it.
On the subject of scratch vs boxed, well, I’ve been baking since I was 12 years old. Decorating cakes was a complete afterthought for me which I just happen to do convincingly enough to get away with but the cake itself has always been most important to me. If you hate baking but love decorating I don’t see any problem with using a boxed mix but I would never dream of using one. I hope my cakes taste much better than they look but, truth be told, some people don’t care and would prefer a visual treat to a culinary one. Go with your own instincts. xx

I have no opinion on the scratch vs box cakes. It’s up to the baker. I know lots of people who use doctored cake mixes with great success.

As for the “porn” I wouldn’t use the word. I have to agree with the poster on your site. Something that starts innocently can have huge moral and ethical consequences down the line. I would avoid it.

Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca

Instagram have been letting users of the hashtag #cakePORN #COCKtail etc that they’re going to be clamping down on it, a friend who does a lot of food photography told me yesterday. Personally I’m not offended although probably wouldn’t think to use it myself either.

Scratch vs box…sigh! Never to be resolved my friend! Ha. I would say it depends how it’s presented to the customer. I would actually feel I was cheating in that I promote myself as a quality custom cake maker…and to me that means scratch. If however cakers are up front about the use of them then fair play. It’s frustrating as a small business owner to be constantly undercut – perhaps mixes are part of that equation?!…

Part of me is more tolerant and part of my less so as I get older! Haha!

Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery

LOL June I will be sure never to bring it up again and please I am not asking anyone on CD what they think of box or sctratch just reflecting that I never realised it was such a controversial issue!

And yes I did on board what the follower said about out desensitising of words and I am more mindful of it.

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

Hi :) my 2p:
1. I’m not fond of normalising sexualised language, especially not the normalisation of criminal behaviour like rape so I wouldn’t use it myself, although I don’t judge those who do because I’m sure 99.9% of them haven’t thought about it like that
2. As long as client and baker agree and everyone’s happy, who cares? I like scratch & homemade fillings so I specialise in those x

I agree that the term “cakeporn” is disgusting and inappropriate. I would never want to associate cakey stuff with something that is so horrific for all involved. Surely there is another term we could use to get the point across that we have a passion, obsession, addiction, even lust, for all things cake! Porn destroys people, families….I’ve never heard of cake doing that!

As far as the scratch vs box debate….as long as someone is not misrepresenting their cakes and lying to their customers, I think it’s totally a personal preference. If their clients are happy with the flavor, who cares what other people say about it? Just my 2 cents. :-)

I have no problem with the hasthags, i use foodporn often simply to reach bigger audience. Seriously there’s more importnant problems in the world than hashtags… I find ppl looking are for troubles where theres none…… you cant please everyone..

About baking – I love it and I do it from scratch but theres nothing wrong with using boxes… I said ages ago on my cake page everyone should mind their own bowl and lick their own spoon…

Haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potato ;)

Agatha, https://www.facebook.com/cakefieldavenue.ie

For me the work porn means something obscene and indecent and associated with something seedy and nasty so I wouldn’t use the word but this is a very weird world we’re in where we dictate to all the time and there’s no such thing as freedom of speech. As for Scratch v’s box, some of us are cake decorators, some are bakers, and some are both. You can use a premix if your not a confident baker or if cost and profit dictates. It’s up to the individual. But for me, I don’t want my cakes to just be decorated cakes, I want the cake inside to be home baked too. I like the people who eat my cake to know it’s been baked specially for them too and it’s not equal to lesser cost supermarket sponge.


Ha ha Agatha! “mind their own bowl and lick their own spoon…” I love it! Best quote ever!

And yes I thanks every one :) and I definitely don’t want to know what CD members like in regards to scratch vs box – just reflecting that I didn’t realise that it was such a heated debate. I think each to their own but definitely not putting down others for having a different preference. I am so glad I have not experienced that kind of debate on CD ever, and it is a lesson for me to be mindful of what I casually post on my Facebook page.

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

I think we can sometime use expressions without really thinking about them too deeply. After reading your original message, it gave me pause for thought and time to reflect on the casual usage of such a term and I have to agree, it is distasteful connection. Thanks for bringing up such a thought provoking question.

Roo's Little Cake Parlour

I don’t mind the word the porn… but it may be a generational thing, and you have to think of your target market, which includes any woman looking for a cake, regardless of age so it may not be appropriate on facebook. I would possibly keep it to instagram and other uncommonly used platforms.
As for the box/scratch… it’s tough. I started doing family cakes by doctoring mixes. The more comfortable I got doctoring them, the more I started trying scratch recipes. However, I still to this day get requests for a doctored mix cake I made in the past that involves jam in the mix along with extra butter and stuff… turns it into a fruit flavored cake in whatever flavor jam you use. Everyone just loves it to death, so every family and friend request is that cake. I’ve even tried to recreate it in a scratch recipe, and it just isn’t the same and the people wanting it protested.
All the rest of my recipes are scratch recipes… but people I have never even met who had the mix cake at a friend’s or family party calls me up and requests it. I would say it’s my most “word of mouth” requested flavor. I think it’s crazy. Lol.

Leslie Bruckman, Owner of Nom Nom Sweeties

I had never even considered that a cake I purchased from a professional could be a box mix until this topic came up on my fb feed a week or so ago :) the majority of the time, I bake from scratch, but then again I have always baked, and decorating is a much newer interest to me. I have resorted to box mixes when I’ve been putting together cupcakes for a mid week work function.

I don’t think I would have a problem with a mix being used – I know of plenty of commercial bakeries that use premixes for everything from bread to cakes to cookies – but I think I would want to be told either way, so it’s something I’ll be asking in the future if I’m ordering.

Oh my my lovely I don’t thin k you have a big enough can opener for this one,lol….For me I would never use the term porn but yes can see how that word could reach a bigger audience but honestly that is not the way I want to be seen but I feel you did it quite innocently but would definitely re-think it if it is something you are now not comfortable with.
As for scratch verses bow well I do both. As an Aussie I would probably never sell one in Australia as that is not what I was brought up on as I think lot of us back then were not so we would not like the taste. But here in America for many it is all they know and honestly my basic flavors are doctored box mixes and I am not ashamed to say it. I have done tasting after tasting and every time they pick the box mix….why change what people rave over and I have never had one customer complain. If they ask I tell them the truth but none have ever then changed their mind to use me. If it is a more off shot cake like carrot or banana then I do those from scratch. I hate baking but love decorating and for me that is where I choose to put my focus. For those that love to bake then I am proud of you for your commitment to it but please do not judge those of us that don’t. For me it is solely about the customer, I am going to give them what they want… I am not going to listen to anyone putting me down for it. Satin Ice, FondX or Wilton are not going to care what kind of cake you use if they are going to sponsor you, just the type of fondant you use. Just an off shot thought for those who might be looking for sponsorship.

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

You know……on thinking about this, it’s rattled some cages, but it just goes to show how passionate we are about out love of all things cake and bake. You could also ask is it cheating to use moulds and not hand model? Also, is it cheating to use printed sugar sheets instead of painting like Calli and other amazing cake artists. It’s all down to us, our skills, our budget and who we’re making for. But it’s good to throw the subject in and see opinions. It’s made me think about box mixes, and if maybe I’m being a cake snob. So thank you for opening my mind on the subject xxxx


Oh Sharon hopefully I have learned my lesson and won’t have to use that can opener again!!! ;)

And yes I have certainly reflected on the appropriateness of wording and not just following the sheep a lot and I am definitely never going to bring up the subject about scratch vs box again!!! ;-) xoxo

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

Oh honey I think we should never be afraid to talk about a topic and honestly this Scratch verses Box should never get heated. We are all different, with different skills and markets to whom we are selling. For one to think they are right over another I think is wrong. We are all doing the same thing just sometimes in different ways but the love for what we do is the same and that for me should be what we focus on… not out differences. Hugs to everyone!!!

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

Absolutely Shags….different strokes for different folks….or decorators…. 👍

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Agatha that is brilliant :) and I totally agree.
What is right for one person is not necessarily right for another.
For me it is from scratch all the way and my customers would expect nothing less.
As for “cakeporn” well this is a new one on me. Having thought about mmmmm not totally comfortable with it.
It wouldn’t offend me if someone else used this term but i dont think it is a term I would ever use. x

ellie's elegant cakery

Love to you all! Thank you for such a safe conversation about it all I really appreciate it xoxo

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns

I’m not sure why there is even a hashtag “cakeporn”. I looked up in the Urban Dictionary “cakeporn” and here’s the definition: pornography depicting people or peoples having sexual intercourse with or next to food pastry, especially cake.

This definitely not my cup of tea …… yeah I don’t think I will be using it……..

As to cake boxes or premix users, to all those nay sayers & bashers they obviously have never worked in a large bakery or have even been to a wholesale bakery supply place. To save time and money a LOT places use these BUT they will add their own touch to the mix. All the packaging is doing is premixing your dry ingredients for you. LOL . Some premix just calls for water to be added & it comes in 50 lb bags – someone is using it somewhere or it wouldn’t be available. LOL. If bakers are not using a premix they should be charging extra because it is extra work and time. If one really feels the need to “confess” they use a box mix, try saying “I use a dry ingredient premix measured to my liking and then create from there.” Some local bakery shops offer “their brand” of premix in smaller sizes.

Hi Kwajette I see you’re new to cakesdecor! Welcome! Do you have a webpage / facebook page? Where are you from?

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns