Gauri Kekre is following 190 other members

The Custom Cakery

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Zoe's Fancy Cakes

1,864 posts and 889 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,857 posts and 820 followers

JT Cakes

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Raewyn Read Cake Design

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Shawna McGreevy

584 posts and 847 followers

Ana Remígio - CUPCAKES & DREAMS Portugal

63,881 posts and 1,267 followers

Michal Bulla

38,778 posts and 1,413 followers

Not Your Ordinary Cakes

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SugarMagicCakes (Christine)

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Maya Delices

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Verusca Walker

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3,899 posts and 373 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,382 followers

Sylwia Sobiegraj The Cake Designer

676 posts and 247 followers

Natalia Da Silva Carmona

26 posts and 270 followers

Michael Almeida

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Ashwini Tupe

256 posts and 44 followers

Anna Mathew Vadayatt

441 posts and 191 followers

Allways Julez

10,106 posts and 368 followers

Meenakshi S

431 posts and 98 followers

Shannon Davie

196 posts and 90 followers

Sheridan @HalfBakedCakery

46 posts and 16 followers

D Cake Creations®

445 posts and 150 followers