Brilliant! Love all you insects etc!

Kath's Cakes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaths-Cakes/369485736483786

Amazingly Perfect!!!! xxx

CUPCAKES & DREAMS My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CUPCAKES-DREAMS/115882865103239?ref=hl

so interesting…well done…

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎



Creepily realistic!!!

'It is the amount of heart you put into your work that will determine how beautiful it will be' www.motherandme.co.uk Angie and Becky https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mother-Me/227714550658081

No way! This is unbelievably amazing. I can’t even imagine how you made this.

Samantha Pilling, Bite Me Bakery Limited UK, https://www.bitemebakery.co.uk or https://www.facebook.com/BMBrides

seriously!!!! OMG you are just amazing Cecile!!! dear Lord I find your creations SO inspiring!!!

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

wowwwww!!!! is amazing ….I ove it

Maria Teresa Perez, www.kidspartycakedesign.com

looks sooo real

perfect !

Paul Delaney of Delaneys cakes

So realistic

Znique Creations at https://www.facebook.com/ZniqueCreations

Good Lord, I was afraid to click on the picture. I am afraid of spiders and this one looks VERY real. Great job.

Teri, Ontario, Canada http://www.TeriLovesCake.ca

goodness me Cecilia .. . you have the most special gift xx

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela http://www.facebook.com/CakesByFifi

Woah, this is INCREDIBLE!! Xx

Laura Loukaides - Instagram.com/LauraLoukaides

I saw this a few days ago and could not get over it, absolutely amazing!

Tampa, Florida facebook.com/pages/curiaussiety-custom-cakes

Wow I need to make a spider for a joke best mans speech, not sure it will end up like this though. Amazing!

Elizabeth Miles Cake Design


sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com

wow this is so realistic!!xx

Vicki - www.facebook.com/BellasLittleCakery


Wow!!!!!!!! Your work is amazing!!


Very well done! So absolutely realistic!

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OMG – Wow! Fabulous