Tynka is followed by 190 other members

Francezca (KrazyKakes)

85 posts and 20 followers

The Little Cake Company

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9 posts and 3 followers


4 posts and 3 followers

Agatha Rogowska ( Cakefield Avenue)

4,252 posts and 263 followers

Bronecia (custom cakes)

239 posts and 13 followers

Angela - A Slice of Happiness

505 posts and 45 followers


11,185 posts and 534 followers

The Cookie Lab by Marta Torres

6,897 posts and 652 followers

Blossom Dream Cakes - Angela Morris

5,476 posts and 346 followers

Tartas Imposibles

2,780 posts and 753 followers

D Cake Creations®

445 posts and 150 followers


24,719 posts and 674 followers

CuriAUSSIEty Cakes

9,653 posts and 855 followers


4,172 posts and 160 followers

Kosmic Custom Cakes

952 posts and 170 followers


2,285 posts and 255 followers


136 posts and 51 followers

Tortengwand by Dijana

440 posts and 29 followers


11,672 posts and 508 followers

Despoina Karasavvidou

2,329 posts and 85 followers

Bee Dazzled Cakes

18 posts and 4 followers


22 posts and 0 followers

Not Your Ordinary Cakes

396 posts and 122 followers

Dora Th.

3,172 posts and 193 followers

Sweet Cake di Fabry

147 posts and 13 followers

Happyhills Cakes

989 posts and 235 followers

Cake Creations by ME - Mayra Estrada

6,767 posts and 328 followers


283 posts and 182 followers

Lynette Brandl

897 posts and 119 followers