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Posted a new cake My little Pony cake
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Posted a new cake 25th wedding anniversary cake
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Commented on Winx Flora
Commented on Elegant Frozen
Commented on Elegant Frozen
Commented on Elegant Frozen
Commented on An Adorable Clown
Commented on Soccer Cake
Commented on floral beauty
Commented on The Hot air-balloon and the little bear
Commented on A cake for a Dressmaker
Commented on Elegant birthday cake
Commented on Sweet Table "Minnie Mouse"
Commented on Hootabelle
Commented on Indian wedding
Commented on Minnie Mouse Quilling
Commented on Minnie Mouse Quilling
Commented on Nemo and his friends
Commented on Simona (Sweet Island)
Commented on Quilling thanks
Commented on Communion cake with Tiara
Commented on Quilling thanks
Commented on Baby shower cake
Commented on Quilling Spring
Commented on Little Vintage Cake
Commented on Communion cake with Tiara
Commented on Quilling Spring
Commented on Simona (Sweet Island)
Commented on Quilling Spring
Posted a new cake Horse and hearts (gluten and lactose free)
Posted a new cake Winter Star
Posted a new cake Elegant Frozen
Posted a new cake "Around the world" Vintage dessert and drink table
Posted a new cake Winx Flora
Posted a new cake Angry birds Dessert Table
Posted a new cake Family Birds