Angela Penta is following 789 other members

Happyhills Cakes

989 posts and 235 followers

ChokoLate Designs

479 posts and 905 followers

Heather -Art2Eat Cakes- Sherman

443 posts and 273 followers

Dragons and Daffodils Cakes

1,450 posts and 244 followers

Michal Bulla

38,778 posts and 1,413 followers


121 posts and 74 followers


6,243 posts and 201 followers

Bobbie-Anne Wright (For Heaven's Cake)

2,509 posts and 242 followers

Sugar Duckie (Maria McDonald)

4,812 posts and 237 followers

Marina Danovska

1,413 posts and 139 followers


1,118 posts and 222 followers

Ioannis - tourta.apo.spiti

521 posts and 141 followers


11,185 posts and 535 followers

Paul of Happy Occasions Cakes.

307 posts and 198 followers

Fifi's Cakes

18,044 posts and 513 followers


151 posts and 37 followers

Suzanne Readman - Cakin' Faerie

2,291 posts and 139 followers

Machus sweetmeats

891 posts and 63 followers

Julie Cain

1,057 posts and 93 followers


4,380 posts and 224 followers


18,952 posts and 464 followers

Any Excuse for Cake

325 posts and 27 followers

Agatha Rogowska ( Cakefield Avenue)

4,252 posts and 264 followers

lorraine mcgarry

770 posts and 37 followers

Cherub Couture Cakes

88 posts and 35 followers

2cute2biteMe(Ozge Bozkurt)

445 posts and 113 followers

Aggy Dadan

29 posts and 35 followers

Mania M. - CandymaniaC

488 posts and 441 followers

SugarMagicCakes (Christine)

30,859 posts and 600 followers


66 posts and 40 followers