Hello again caker friends. I have a new worry. I spent a lot of today decorating a cake whilst feeling a bit ill. I was mainly aching in my joints and had an itchy nose and throat but not too sneezy or anything. Of course I washed my hands lots (always do) but now I am worrying whether I should have made the cake at all. Should I tell the customer and let her decide whether she wants it or just keep quiet? I’m thinking I should tell her………..
Julia Hardy
Am going rapidly downhill and need my bed so if anyone replies, please don’t think me rude if I don’t respond until tomorrow. Have realised I cant tell my customer because I don’t have her number. She is a security guard at work and we have arranged it all face to face. She has my number so she can call tomorrow about collection but hasn’t texted to give me hers like she said she would. Oh dear….. :-(
Julia Hardy
Hi Julia – as far as I know – if you have any type of tummy bug you absolutely shouldn’t work with any type of food. If you only have a cold and make sure you don’t cough/sneeze on the cake and wash you hands lots as you’ve done then it should be fine. :-D . You could tell your customer that you have a cold – cold/flu bacteria only survive outside the body for 24 hours so as long as she is not eating the cake immediately it should be safe. Hope this is helpful x
Hope you feel better tomorrow :-D
I had one quick look before turning out the light and I’m so glad I did. Thank you Lulu for confirming what was in the back of my mind. I will be able to sleep now. I definitely wasn’t sneezing (am now though) and I don’t have a tummy bug! Thanks again :-) x
Julia Hardy
Colds aren’t an issue as long as you keep the highest hygiene standards, which I’m sure you do! Get well soon x
Mel, Yorkshire, http://www.facebook.com/doncastercustomcakery
You won’t get this till tomorrow Julia…but short of literally sneezing or coughing directly on the cake…it will be fine. You were washing your hands….so no germs there. Theres more risk of infection you seeing your customer face to face. I always have surgical gloves/mask in my house being a former PSW. I’ve used them when I have a cold..
Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎
I agree with everyone else. If it’s not a tummy bug and you followed normal food handling safety the cake should be fine. Rest up and please get well soon!! Sending some immune boosting love your way! .•°°•☆
Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia www.cakedecorcairns.com or www.google.com/+CakeDecorCairns or www.facebook.com/cakedecorcairns
Hope you feel better <3 <3 the cake should be fine with food handling safety … <3 <3
Dubey Cakes
Hope you’re feeling better in the morning Julia! Take care of yourself!
Get well soon Julia. I was down this week with a cold too and we had 20 orders and so I had to work! This must be one of the only jobs where calling in sick is really not an option most of the times.
Lori-Ann,The Cake Studio Cayman,http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Cake-Studio-Cayman/136313133106508?ref=tn_tnmn