marja is following 19 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,835 followers


9 posts and 70,059 followers


11,672 posts and 507 followers

Wendy Schlagwein

210 posts and 246 followers

Novel-T Cakes

1,140 posts and 340 followers

Sweet Janis

2,833 posts and 443 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,382 followers

Vicki's Incredible Edibles

134 posts and 142 followers

Calli Creations

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Tartas Imposibles

2,780 posts and 754 followers


16,630 posts and 741 followers

Kapka Vladimirova

74 posts and 33 followers

Crazy Sweets

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Dorothy Klerck

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Violet - The Violet Cake Shop™

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Bellaria Cake Design

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ivana guddo

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Berna García / Ilusiona Cakes

615 posts and 357 followers