Sylwia Sobiegraj The Cake Designer is following 198 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,834 followers


9 posts and 70,058 followers


15,940 posts and 301 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,382 followers

Sword's Sugars

77 posts and 18 followers

Dragons and Daffodils Cakes

1,450 posts and 244 followers


136 posts and 110 followers

Geek Cake

246 posts and 33 followers

Emma Stewart

54 posts and 78 followers

Paul of Happy Occasions Cakes.

307 posts and 198 followers

Carla Puig

240 posts and 382 followers

Liz Marek

25 posts and 194 followers

Ankita Singhal

60 posts and 21 followers

Cake Art Studio

248 posts and 108 followers

Expressions Cake Art (Su)

408 posts and 66 followers

Georgia Ampelakiotou

160 posts and 219 followers

sophia haniff

1,119 posts and 75 followers


55 posts and 110 followers

Sugar Duckie (Maria McDonald)

4,812 posts and 237 followers

Lori Mahoney (Lori's Custom Cakes)

5,785 posts and 478 followers

Bakeaboo Cakes (Elina)

22 posts and 48 followers

Ghada elsehemy

281 posts and 52 followers

El Tartero Real

133 posts and 142 followers

Floren Bastante / Dulces el inflón

691 posts and 240 followers


133 posts and 48 followers

Pinky Fink's

11 posts and 7 followers

Rose Dream Cakes

237 posts and 78 followers

Hemu basu

256 posts and 101 followers