M&G Cakes is followed by 108 other members

SweetFantasy by Anastasia

516 posts and 35 followers


6,243 posts and 201 followers


620 posts and 174 followers

Sugar Addict by Alexandra Alifakioti

417 posts and 67 followers

Kate Plumcake

2,793 posts and 222 followers

Teté Cakes Design

4,605 posts and 227 followers

Mia delicias

16 posts and 1 follower

CakeHeaven by Marlene

44,493 posts and 1,170 followers


875 posts and 70 followers

Mila - Pure Cakes by Mila

4,160 posts and 253 followers

Jeny Dogani

25 posts and 6 followers

Sweet ObsesShan

3,820 posts and 132 followers

Tonya Alvey - MadHouse Bakes

639 posts and 224 followers

Heavenly Treats by Lulu

4,970 posts and 151 followers


2,145 posts and 79 followers

SweetKOKEKO by Arantxa

7,503 posts and 508 followers

Judith und die Torten

427 posts and 30 followers

Karla Sweet Stories

1,163 posts and 150 followers

Mira - Mirabella Desserts

2,055 posts and 85 followers

Donna (YUMMY-O Cake Company)

1,727 posts and 123 followers

Prima Cakes and Cookies - Jennifer

2,691 posts and 192 followers

Two cherries on a cake

4 posts and 3 followers

Vanilla cake boutique

1,260 posts and 128 followers


4,808 posts and 315 followers

For the love of cake (Laylah Moore)

10,719 posts and 357 followers


116 posts and 138 followers

Cakes! by Ying

324 posts and 93 followers


872 posts and 141 followers

Paul of Happy Occasions Cakes.

307 posts and 198 followers