Started following Martin Sojka
Started following CakesDecor
Commented on Singing for my lost love @SSB17
Commented on Neon Punk Skull- Sugar Skull Bakers2017
Commented on Painted Butterfly - Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration
Posted a new cake Painted Butterfly - Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration
Commented on Mask of Catrina @Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on Sugar Skulls Collaboration - La Catrina Wedding Cake
Commented on Soul Sisters ... Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on Black and White Catrina - Sugar Skulls Collaboration
Commented on Mi Violeta - Sugar Skull Bakers 2017 Collaboration
Commented on Red Indian Skull
Liked Red Indian Skull
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration 2017
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration 2017
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Liked Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on #sugaskulls Day of the Deaths Collaboration
Commented on Sugar Skull Collaboration 2017
Commented on Ninfa de los Bosques!!
Liked Ninfa de los Bosques!!
Commented on Hope ...sugar Skull Collaborations
Commented on Day of the dead
Liked Day of the dead
Commented on Sugar Skulls Bakers 2017 Collaboration
Commented on Catrina. Colab Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration 2017
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Liked Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on Book of Life Cake ! Dia de Muertos
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration 2017
Commented on La Catrina
Liked La Catrina
Commented on Roses - SugarSkullBakers2017
Commented on Escaramuza - Skulls bakers collaboration 2017
Commented on Sugar Skull Collaboration 2017 - LuLu
Commented on Catrín (Sugar Skulls Bakers 2017)
Commented on Puppy from the beyond
Liked Puppy from the beyond
Commented on The Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on Day of the dead- sugar skull bakers
Commented on Dia De Los muertos horse
Liked Dia De Los muertos horse
Commented on Néon Jack - Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Liked Halloween Pumpkin geode
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers Collaboration 2017 - Raven
Commented on "Día de los difuntos" cake
Commented on SUGAR Skull Baker
Liked SUGAR Skull Baker
Commented on SEXY SKULL LADY
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Liked Sugar Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on sugar skull bakers collaboration
Commented on Sugar skull bakers 2017
Liked Sugar skull bakers 2017
Commented on My collaboration for Skull Bakers 2017
Commented on Sugar Skull Bakers 2017 collaboration
Commented on Maleficent Sugar Skull Bakers
Commented on Sugar Skull Collaboration
Commented on SugarSkullBakers Collaboration 2017