Cake Decorating

Leopard Print inside cake

Does anyone know how to make Leopard print inside a cake??

4 Replies

There’s a website – – that has a wonderful tutorial on leopard print cakes. There’s a yearly fee to join the site, but worth every penny if you want access to all types of tutorial.

DJ - Fun Fiesta Cakes

I saw that when I googled it, but I found an alternative method on cakecentral with the cake ball effect and I tried it last night. So I’m hoping that when I get off work and level the cakes I can see leopards!

I found another lady on facebook that does beautiful work with pictures inside cakes. She also has tutorials for sale on etsy. She’s here on this site

I went ahead and tried the FREE way so I’ll see how it goes! If it does work to my liking this time I will defiantly purchase the tutorial next go around.