Hello everyone just wanted to share some very important information. Please be sure to watermark all your cake images. There is a women on Facebook who has been stealing peoples cake images and adding her watermark to them and posting them on her page. I found one of my cakes on her page that she stole from the person I made the cake for. I reported her to FB and sent her a message stating that it’s wrong of her to put her watermark on other peoples work. We all work way to hard and long hours for someone to take credit!! This is just an advance warning so keep your eyes out for your cakes I know how it feels to be cheated!!!
Evelyn's Bakery-Facebook.com/evelynsbakery
You are so right! It really is important that you watermark! I have a step by step tutorial (very, very basic for the person who has no clue how to do this) on my FB page and my blog if anyone needs help. Just message me or email me at peggydoescake@gmail.com. Also, there are lots of easy, free tutorials if you Google “how to watermark with Irfanview” (Irfanview is my photo viewing software of choice; free, easy to use, and trustworthy). But of course there are lots of free software that you can use to watermark and all of them have watermarking tutorials on the net. I hope you all invest a few minutes and make watermarking a priority. Trust me from someone who knows first hand, it’s a BAD feeling to see someone “steal” your cake photo and pretend its theirs. Watermarking prevents this. Thank you Evelyn for putting out this reminder!
Oh Evelyn, I forgot to add how sorry I am that this happened to you! Some people have no shame!
Wow, guys! Sorry to hear that happened to you. That’s crazy! I guess I never thought of that happening, but I don’t have a business (yet) and my work isn’t the most amazing (lol) so I’ve never even considered it! Thanks for the heads up, Evelyn! I think I’ll start watermarking.
Just happened to me a couple weeks ago and it was so random too…the particular offender commented on FB on a VERY popular page and I thought “woah, her profile pic looks familiar” then I clicked on it to see that it was one of my older cookie pics she was using, as a profile pic no less!! I checked out her page and she had several stolen photos from all different people. I contacted her immediately and luckily she took it down and several others (after I tattled to all I could identify). Needless, to say I’m getting better about marking my photos with my name!
find me at: www.facebook.com/CorrieCakes
Yes ladies it important to mark your work. I was extremely furious when I saw my work with someone else name on it. When I contacted her she told me it was not her intention to do that and I thought to myself “if that’s not her intention then what is?” thats like someone saying its bot what you think. Anyway I just wanted to share this info cause I don’t want to see it happen to anyone else!!
Evelyn's Bakery-Facebook.com/evelynsbakery
Oh man, it’s happened to several of you! I can’t believe people would do that! It makes no sense. I can imagine how maddening that must be! I need to find a way to watermark with iPhoto just in case my cakes ever get good enough to steal.
I can’t believe what some people would do… well I can, I have met some of them but it is sad really.
I will have to watermark mine, not that I can see anyone wanted to steal them lol but I can’t imagine how crappy it would feel. So sorry to hear it happened to you lovely talented ladies!
Tara, Nova Scotia, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Valleys-kool-cakes/131353476890032
I think watermarking is important and Evelyn I am sorry you had your pictures stolen. But I do want to play devil’s advocate here. As a graphic designer who is pretty good with photoshop I will say that watermarking will not totally stop someone from stealing.
I am pretty good at taking watermarks out of pictures. I will say this. Don’t just put your watermark anywhere. Put it where it is really hard to duplicate the area. It may make the image hard to see but this will be the only place someone will not be able to take the watermark out without it being noticed.
This is so awful to hear about! And it happened to so many of you, its shocking. If any of you know if these people who have stolen pictures still have profiles would you mind posting the link to their pages so that others can check to look for their own work or the work of someone they may know that may have been stolen? Looks like we all need to keep an eye out for each other!
I never thought of my work as being good enough to be stolen but this does make me wonder. I should definitely look into watermarking my work..Thank you all for the warning.
Nikki, So Cal, www.Facebook.com/nikkibelleperchecakes
Just can’t believe anyone, especially someone “cake-worthy” would want to take credit for something they didn’t do! I’ll have to check out how to watermark. Thanks!!
Janiepie from GA - Find me on Facebook Cake Studio J