Hey everyone

Sorry for the prolonged absence … Not been feeling myself and had lots of hospital appointments. Anyway .. come back to loads of notifications .. Will enjoy looking at your work with a nice coffee xxx

Shell, Norfolk, UK

11 Replies

Hope you’re feeling 100% soon Shell. Have fun catching up…. ☺️

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Hope you are feeling much better. Sending you some gentle hugs :-) xx

Sensational Sugar Art by Sarah Lou

Hope your well in your way to health. Lovely to see you back with us xx

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

Virtual hugs and kisses for a return to feeling better and all is well for you I hope. I know the feeling about catching up with notifications sometimes it takes me days but always marvel and enjoy seeing everyone’s creations. Good to have you back x

Sassy Cakes and Cupcakes

So glad youre back Shell……
Hope youre feeling better! ;-) ♡♡♡♡

sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com

Hope everything is ok now!! Welcome back!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Hope you’re on the mend xx
Good luck catching up – I went away for 36 hours and came back to over 100 notifications!!
Perhaps you should make that a whole pot of coffee…..😂😂😂

Blossom Dream Cakes at www.facebook.com/blossomdreamcakes