Cake Decorating Business

Looking for ideas and advice for fundraising

I`ll be helping to raise some money over the summer for one of my sons friends. They were best friends through nursery and primary school and even though they go to different schools now, they remain close friends. My son`s friend also happens to have autism.
We`ll be helping to raise money to get him an autism assistance dog.
So I`m looking for cake-related fundraising ideas. I was thinking of a cake raffle, I`m hoping that could raise more than an auction. Or a cake stall at a craft fair?
But does anyone have any other ideas of things I could do?
All ideas and advice welcome, Thanks, Julie xx

Julie Cains Cakes

10 Replies

What about buying lots so you designate that you’ll be selling 200 tickets at £2 each and the winner gets a cake? You could specify what type of cake (for example a chocolate explosion cake) or you could set a max amount ‘to the value of’. That way it’s a small outlay, same as a lotto ticket, but with much better odds of a result!

Mel, Yorkshire,

Maybe you could offer to host a children’s cupcake party if you state a set price and number (say £20 for a party of 10-12 children for example), and do the draw as usual. If you host for free but cover materials you’ll be able to do it cheaper but will probably get more takers if it looks like a good cheap party option. As long as your insurance covers you for teaching/demonstrating you’ll be ok. It could be a decorate your own cake party………..


Great ideas, thanks. I didn`t even know I`d need separate insurance to teach….good job I don`t teach then :)
I`ll let you know how it goes xx

Julie Cains Cakes

I have just made a cake for a “Guess the weight” theme, closest guess takes the cake x

Lyn (Nanna Lyn Cakes) xx

That’s a great idea Lyn x


Thanks All for your ideas. I`ll actually be doing 2 fundraising cakes….a guess the weight cake at a fun day (thank you Lyn x) and an online raffle where each £2 donation to the letsgo page gets one entry into a draw. My next question is….does anyone understand facebook? I only started it yesterday but my reach has instantly dropped to less than 100. Any ideas how I can extend my reach, esp locally? Thanks xx

Julie Cains Cakes

You’re very welcome Julie, hope you raise lots of money. 😉😉

Lyn (Nanna Lyn Cakes) xx

You could do a paid ad. You can target your local area and even age and gender etc. Starts from £3 which gets you 24hrs and a reach of about 2k I think… x

Mel, Yorkshire,

 Have you thought about hosting a themed event? Like a costume party or a trivia night? People love getting involved in fun activities for a good cause. And don't underestimate the power of social media. Crowdfunding campaigns can really take off with the right pitch and outreach strategy. 

That’s a wonderful cause, Julie! Here are some cake-related fundraising ideas that could help you raise money for your son’s friend’s autism assistance dog:

Cake Raffle: A cake raffle is a great idea as it allows many people to participate for a small amount of money, increasing the overall funds raised. You can sell tickets in advance and during the event.

Cake Stall at a Craft Fair: Setting up a cake stall at a local craft fair can attract a lot of foot traffic. You can sell a variety of cakes, cupcakes, and other baked goods. Make sure to advertise your cause to encourage more purchases.

Bake Sale: Organize a bake sale at a busy location, such as a community center, school, or local market. You can also include a donation jar for people who may want to contribute more.
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Cake Decorating Contest: Host a cake decorating contest where participants pay an entry fee to compete. You can have different categories and prizes for the winners. Sell tickets to spectators who want to watch the contest.

Cake Walk: Organize a cake walk, which is similar to musical chairs but with cakes as prizes. Participants pay to enter, and it’s a fun way to raise money and engage the community.

Online Cake Auction: If you have access to a wider online community, consider hosting an online cake auction. People can bid on cakes, and the highest bidder wins.

Cake Baking Classes: Offer cake baking or decorating classes for a fee. This can be a fun way for people to learn new skills while supporting a good cause.