Introduce Yourself

Hello lovely cakey type peoples!

Hello everyone, loving this website. Looks like a really positive community. I’m just starting out as a business so I have a lot to learn. Hope you like my cakes and I look forward to getting to know you and your work.

Rachel Taylor (Peony Pantry Cakes)

9 Replies

All the best with everything. This is a fantastic site to see so many fantastic creations and learn so much from everyone.

Icing to Slicing

Hi Rachel, its an awesome community I’ve just discovered this over the last few days :) I’m going to check out some of your cakes xx

Helen Haslam, Manchester,,

Welcome Rachel
You have come to the right place for a helpful cakey community. 👍

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Hi! Congratulations on your new business!
Naomi x

Naomi AKA Cairns Cake Lady, Australia or or

Hi Rachel!!……welcome to cakes decor, its a fantastic place to learn and for inspiration! ;-)

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Thanks everyone. Only just getting my head around this. Xx

Rachel Taylor (Peony Pantry Cakes)