Can someone help ?

Does anyone know why when I try to search for my username " BeautifySugar" on the search bar , it never shows ? I have tried to do this without signing in to CD by the way .


10 Replies

when the search results come up it says ‘showing results for Beautysugar’ you need to click on the bit below that, that says ‘do you mean Beautifysugar’ and then you are at the top :)
Hope that helps x

Vanessa-Mmmm cakes and cupcakes

Strange , it says no results when I search for it :-/ Thanks , I will keep trying . xx


Funny, Audrey, cos yesterday when we were having our conversation, I tried to search by your name and could not find it…. Michal will come to the rescue or PM him directly!

Dina @ miettes,

I wonder why it’s letting me see it then. This is what pops up when I search beautify sugar

Vanessa-Mmmm cakes and cupcakes

And if I click on ‘did you mean beautifysugar’
It take me to this :)

Vanessa-Mmmm cakes and cupcakes

Dina , still trying & it doesn’t show for me , but it seems to be working for Vanessa lol :-). I think I’ll PM Michal , thanks Dina & Vanessa ;)


It’s showing my name now :-) Thanks for helping xx


Same results as Mmmm Cakes and Cupcakes, except this question pops up first with your pic then I can choose Did You Mean…

I wonder if a space makes a difference, I didn’t use a space between the two words. Also, I’m on my iPad and my default search goes to Google. Weird.

Smckinney07 , thanks for responding :-) When I search it goes to Google also . I just had to click on it again when it says " did you mean " Then it shows my page . :-/
