Star Cakes is following 162 other members

Maria Teresa Perez

590 posts and 198 followers

Giovanna Galeota

74 posts and 30 followers

Toni (White Crafty Cakes)

22,304 posts and 412 followers


762 posts and 97 followers

Alisa Seidling

245 posts and 60 followers


129 posts and 137 followers

Sonia Parente

1,273 posts and 191 followers


238 posts and 37 followers

Natasha Shomali

190 posts and 130 followers


12,319 posts and 514 followers

Viorica Dinu

597 posts and 397 followers


2,985 posts and 370 followers


4,932 posts and 190 followers


363 posts and 88 followers

Guilt Desserts

1,001 posts and 282 followers

Sheryl BITO

364 posts and 135 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,382 followers

June ("Clarky's Cakes")

75,857 posts and 820 followers

Rachel Manning Cakes

273 posts and 37 followers

Azzurra Cuomo Cake Art

1,918 posts and 519 followers

Daniela Segantini

202 posts and 153 followers

Cake My Day

1,167 posts and 215 followers

CuriAUSSIEty Cakes

9,653 posts and 856 followers

Shey Jimenez

264 posts and 41 followers

Sarah Kay Sugar

710 posts and 283 followers


166 posts and 57 followers

Luciana Amerilde Di Pierro

69 posts and 175 followers


66 posts and 40 followers