Jeanne Winslow is following 255 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,829 followers


9 posts and 70,052 followers


11,185 posts and 534 followers

Ebru eskalan

188 posts and 48 followers

Dmytrii Puga

2,757 posts and 265 followers

Elli Warren

78,909 posts and 1,425 followers


758 posts and 70 followers

Lori Mahoney (Lori's Custom Cakes)

5,785 posts and 477 followers

Griselda de Pedro

1,057 posts and 132 followers

Amanda Earl Cake Design

519 posts and 147 followers

Sandra Smiley

46,611 posts and 937 followers

Seize The Cake

294 posts and 132 followers


466 posts and 35 followers

Bety'Sugarland by Elisabete Caseiro

7,154 posts and 508 followers


115 posts and 153 followers

Sweet Dreams by Heba

18,704 posts and 564 followers

Paul of Happy Occasions Cakes.

307 posts and 198 followers

Carla Puig

240 posts and 382 followers

Tartas Imposibles

2,780 posts and 753 followers

Silvia Costanzo

1,026 posts and 136 followers

Liz Marek

25 posts and 194 followers

Sweet Creations Cakes

1,432 posts and 418 followers


85 posts and 68 followers

Sweet Symphony

602 posts and 339 followers


234 posts and 60 followers

Marta Hidalgo

158 posts and 237 followers

Kek Couture

27 posts and 174 followers

Nasa Mala Zavrzlama

969 posts and 573 followers

Jenny Kennedy Jenny's Haute Cakes

4,375 posts and 559 followers