Clara is following 539 other members

Mania M. - CandymaniaC

488 posts and 441 followers

SugarMagicCakes (Christine)

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117 posts and 60 followers


150 posts and 38 followers


18,952 posts and 464 followers


1,103 posts and 146 followers

Edelcita Griffin (The Pretty Nifty)

514 posts and 107 followers


1,357 posts and 222 followers

Mara Dragan - cakes&decorations

295 posts and 97 followers

Cookies by Joss

225 posts and 81 followers

Pepper Posh - Carla Rodrigues

11,958 posts and 450 followers

Pamela Jane

557 posts and 156 followers

Divya iyer

294 posts and 54 followers

Super Fun Cakes & More (Katherina Perez)

5,948 posts and 375 followers

Aroma de Azúcar

861 posts and 232 followers

Mariano Sanchez

86 posts and 39 followers

Shiny Ball Cakes & Creations (Rose)

190 posts and 66 followers

Raquel García

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Silvia Ximenez

12 posts and 27 followers

Isabel costa

59 posts and 22 followers

Rosa Guerra (Tartas Oh by Rosa)

4,590 posts and 311 followers


155 posts and 122 followers

los dulces de Kolo

216 posts and 143 followers


119 posts and 36 followers


34 posts and 9 followers

Mr Baker's Cakes

122 posts and 127 followers

Esmeralda trigo

272 posts and 203 followers

Berna García / Ilusiona Cakes

615 posts and 357 followers

Eva bella daucousse

47 posts and 59 followers

Claire Ratcliffe

194 posts and 120 followers