Sharon is following 19 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,829 followers


9 posts and 70,054 followers

CakeHeaven by Marlene

44,493 posts and 1,170 followers

Flappergasted Cakes

223 posts and 413 followers

Moustoula Eleni (Alchemists of cakes)

864 posts and 260 followers

Rhu Strand

234 posts and 135 followers

Zoe's Fancy Cakes

1,864 posts and 888 followers


24,719 posts and 674 followers

Sweet Delights Cakery

1,342 posts and 345 followers

Pamela McCaffrey

1,789 posts and 410 followers


136 posts and 23 followers

Toni (White Crafty Cakes)

22,304 posts and 411 followers

Lisa Templeton

1,832 posts and 310 followers

La Lavande Sugar Florist

468 posts and 278 followers

Dollybird Bakes

749 posts and 127 followers

Natasha Shomali

190 posts and 130 followers

Gulnaz Mitchell

8,222 posts and 576 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,381 followers

The Sugarpaste Fairy

167 posts and 104 followers