After not being on here for a week or so, I always go back to the last day that I logged on and look through every cake that has been posted.

I used to just look at the ones I follow, but found that I missed a lot of amazing cakes because they related to new talent.

Does anyone else do the same as me?

gateaux de mandy

2 Replies

I have always done this since I was a member. I go back, approximately anywhere between 3-5 pages, perhaps 15-20 hrs in previous postings. Depends how late I was up looking on the CD site..hee hee. Because I’m in Canada, there are many decorators in different time zones than me all over the world. As you are in France, Mandy. Obviously decorators post at different times of the day and night. And upon finding new and talented decorators, I make more cake decorating friends by liking and following.

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

I search for new talent as well about once a week :) Sometimes I can’t believe how I missed some of those artists, but I sure am glad and happy to follow them and see their beautiful creations.

Heba Elalfy ***more photos at