I have a corset cake coming up next week and I have a question is it the regular ball cake pan or the mini ball cake pan that is used for the breast. I went to Michaels yesterday and the regular one just looked awfully big. Can anyone help me out. Thanks in advance.
It would depend on the overall size of your cake but I think the mini ball pan would be suitable for most.
Bito, Handmade with Love..just for you!, www.bunsintheoven.my
I agree although I used jumbo cupcakes and shaped them
Sinfully Delicious
I used a cake pop mixture for mine. I had baked mini wondermolds (cause I didn’t have a mini ball pan) but they ended up too big anyway so I carved a general shape then added to it with the cake pop mixture.
Nikki, So Cal, www.Facebook.com/nikkibelleperchecakes
I suppose it depends on how big the cake needs to be overall, but I just used 2 noodle bowls when I made my corset cake. They were quite thick and the stamp on the bottom said they were suitable for oven and microwave :)
Raewyn, Sydney, Australia https://www.facebook.com/cakesbyraewyn