**just wanted to see if anyone has had icing change colors on them?
I frosted a cake in a light purple color and when I went to get it out it had turned a light blue color.
It was exposed to some light . Luckily the color will still work and I didnt have to redo this. **
I have also had this happen with light purple buttercream. I find that if its left in the light it will loose its color. It happens with fondant as well. If im worried about loosing my color on cakes I try to keep them covered with a towel or away from light best I can manage. It helps.
Nikki, So Cal, www.Facebook.com/nikkibelleperchecakes
Yes, pink and purple do this to me all the time! Keep them away from light especially fluorescent.
Elysia, Pennsylvania, http://www.steelpennycakes.com http://www.facebook.com/steelpennycakes
Yep, purple is the one it always happens with.
Bonnie, AZ, www.facebook.com/inspiredsugar