Cake Decorating

How long does buttercream stay fresh

Hello everyone….hope you can help me with this as I’m fairly new to cake decorating so most things I’m doing for the first time!

I’m planning to fill a cake with standard plain buttercream (I don’t have a sugar thermometer yet so I’m not going to risk the meringue ones!). I’ll then crumb coat and cover with ganache; then fondant on top of all that! The cake will disappear I reckon!

My question is how long can the cake stay out of the fridge before both the buttercream and ganache start to taste a bit rancid?

Thanks for reading and thanks for being willing to help!

1 Reply

I’ve had to make a decision to just go with it and hope for the best but have had a light bulb moment when making the buttercream. The cake is a take an tiramasu; so ive made a coffee cake, put some marshland wine in the sugar syrup and just added marshland to the buttercream!! My logic is that the wine will help to “preserve” the butter. I’ve not added any other liquid. ….

Any thoughts?