Cake Decorating

Modelling advice ☺️

Hi I’m wondering if someone can offer some advice please…. What do you find is the best way to attach heads on your models ?
I usually just use a cocktail stick and a bit of royal icing. This time because my model is a little larger I have used a bamboo skewer through her body out of the top of her neck so looking for advice on how best to secure ??
Nina x

7 Replies

Provided the skewer is long enough, you should be able to secure the head with the same principle as the cocktail stick and it should be stable enough? Not sure what type of figure you are doing? For my realistic figures I usually build the neck up a bit after the head is place on, and once dry it is perfectly secure.

Susan x

Hi susan, thank you for your reply ..
She is a more realistic figure (hopefully)
She already has her neck and shoulders done,she is having a dress on with her neckline showing which I’ve never done before,I usually have done the top all in one so there was always room for any errors. This time it’s all on show 🙈
She has a polystyrene ball inside her head I thought I would try this way to make her head lighter with her being a standing model. She is also stood on one leg (another new for me)
Nina x

Sounds amazing Nina, can’t wait to see her. I have never used a polystyrene ball before mine are usually RKT if very large figures or just modelling chocolate. I’d skewer and blend the neck into the head as Susan says x

Alana Lily Chocolates & Cakes

As you are using a polysterene ball, do be careful about using the skewer. Tring to push the skewer into the polysterene might result in a squished head. If you have enough room you might be able to secure the head on (especially as it is light) with a relatively small piece of skewer that doesn’t go into the polysterene and blend the neck – this should till be okay.

Susan x

Ok thank you ladies. I think I will cut the skewer slightly so it doesn’t go too far in and secure with icing. Wish me luck! 🙈 x

Good luck x

Alana Lily Chocolates & Cakes