Hi everyone, I was asked to do the attached cake, but I don’t know if waffer/rice paper is used and how it is done. Can somebody help me out? ….
Thanks so much and I will be eagerly waiting for somebody reply.
Adriana D'Albora
Its rice paper, its not as hard as it looks, I think there is a tutorial on craftsy not too sure, , it was originally done by Linda Fripp Cakes and has been copied numerous times, you work from the top down if that helps, will try and find the tutorial for you.
Hi its not on craftsy its on Pretty Witty Cakes and its called the feather cake, you cut the shapes into the rice paper, make a crown with a circle of the pointed shapes, add to it sticking the rice paper with edible glue until the circumference of the round is the size of your top tier, then stick to top of cake, then keep cutting ricepaper and going around and around the cake, if you have gaps when you have finished just cut out a shape and put it in, when you are happy with shape put ribbon around the bottom, hope this helps
Thanks so much for your exquisite comment. I will check right now.
Adriana D'Albora
You are welcome x