Searching specific cake categories

Hi there i was just wondering if we’ll ever have the search option for cakes? I always thought it was great when we could search a specific topic like (2 tier, children, animals) and then it would be categorised in editorials choice, most popular, most viewed, silent. I found some incredible cakes that way, whereas now the set ups changed. I used to think that really set us apart from other cake sites

If this has already been addressed then apologies

hope it comes back


Nuria Moragrega, insta: cakemistressuk twitter: cake mistress pinterest: cake mistress

4 Replies

I agree! I hope they bring back the search option too!

Sure, we are planning to bring the search option back and what’s more, It should work better than the previous one.

Unfortunately some nice person(s) stole one of our laptops and it will take us some time to be able to work on it again.

-- Michal, | My Facebook:

oh that doesn’t sound nice Michal. I hope the insurance has it covered?
so glad to hear you’re bringing that optioned back :D excited!

Nuria Moragrega, insta: cakemistressuk twitter: cake mistress pinterest: cake mistress