Cake Decorating Tools & Supplies

Expanding my collection!

Hi everyone, my name is Justine and I’m new to the site. I’ve been doing cakes out of my house for about four years now and worked in as a cake decorator in a store for a couple years. I’m looking to expand my collection of tools and resources in order to make better cakes. Right now I want to get an airbrush to enhance the cakes I do but I’m not even sure where to start or what to get. Does anyone have any ideas or websites that would be good to check out for a first time buyer? I’ve used an airbrush before and love how much more flexibility it gives you with the cakes. Any help you guys have would be greatly appreciated!

3 Replies

I have a dinky doodle airbrush which is just right for me. They quite often do good deals on packages for starting off. Go to the cake decorating company website. X

Hi Justine, welcome to cakes decor. I haven’t got an airbrush but wanted to welcome you to the site. Looking forward to enjoying your cakes :)

Mel, Yorkshire,

I started with a cheap Testor Aztek airbrush and hated it. It spat and sputtered all over my cakes. I then upgraded to a mid-range brush, the Badger (the iwata is similar) and really enjoyed it. After another couple of years I finally took the plunge and spent big money on a Grexx. It is the best airbrush I have used, although I can see not wanting to spend that much on it unless you really know you’re going to get good use out of it.

Not sure if you have any place near you where you can try them first, but that makes all the difference.

Jenniffer White, Cup a Dee Cakes -