Hi everyone I am still very new to the cake world. In March 2013 I made my first cake for my niece. It wasn’t fantastic but I loved making it and now I have the bug. I haven’t made many but I know I am bugging my friends and family with the things I am making lol. Thought I would join something like this and bug you lot. People have started asking me to make their cake and I get very scared and back down. I have only done family and friends. when do you know their good enough to sell and how do you go about it.

5 Replies

Welcome Nikki. You will find lots of friendly helpful people here. For me I knew I was ready to make cakes for others because my friends kept praising me and letting their friends know about me.

I am sure if people are asking you for cakes you a good enough to sell them in their mind or they would not be asking. That is just my 2 cents not sure it is the best but just my 2 cents.

Jennifer, https://www.facebook.com/PrimaCakesandCookies

Welcome to Cakes Decor! You will love it here. So many lovely people always willing to help! Can’t wait to see some of your creations!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Welcome to CakesDecor, Nikki! I think you’ll find everyone here quite friendly and helpful. If you’re getting serious about selling your baked goods, you might want to contact your local health department to see what your options are. Many states in the US have instituted cottage food laws that will allow you to sell cakes from your home legally. Selling a cake now an then is probably fine, but it you might find that business picks up fast once word of mouth gets out!!

Jenniffer White, Cup a Dee Cakes - http://cupadeecakes.blogspot.com

Thanks guys, new to this site trying to get to grips with it :-)

Hi Nikki, welcome to cakes decor!
You will love it here, I do. Everyone is very friendly and helpful and we’re all cake addicts! In answer to your questions, ive been caking for 9 years now, I still only do it as a hobby because my family is my first priority. I have done quite a few cakes for paying customers though. In my first year I wouldnt have done, I wasnt very sure of myself and I would practice all the time.
Youll know yourself when youre confident enough to take on your first customer, and I only feel now after 9 years of self-teaching that I am truly good enough at what I do.
As cake artists we never stop improving on our work and learning new techniques. Just be patient and keep learning!
As for starting your business, youll need to first get some sort of food safety certificate from your council, dont know as yet how to do this, so you might have to google it.
Anyway, I hope some of this helps you
Christine xx

sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com