Wafer paper orchid Tutorial

Hi everyone as promised here it is ..the Wafer paper Tutorial… This is a guideline on how to go about them and this is how i figured them out ..possibilities are endless and this...

Quick and easy stencil for airbrushing Graffiti

As my airbrushing skills aren’t exactly what you would call ‘good’, I had to come up with an easy way for me to do it. This was the answer… a simple yet very effective gumpaste/ flower paste...

How to make beer foam out of marshmallows

Step by step instructions: 1. You will need: - marshmallows (I used 150 grams for 12-13 cm diameter surface) - white vegetable fat - a flat surface f.ex. bottom of plate (same diameter as...

Easy (lazy!) Cake Bunting

I like to make life easy whenever possible and when I needed to make bunting for a cake this seemed the best option. Hope it helps someone :)

Iron Man 2D mask pictorial

Hiya everyone ! Ok, so a while ago I made an Iron Man cake (you can find the cake in my CD ‘gallery’ http://cakesdecor.com/cakes/189113-iron-man-cake-with-2d-mask-pictorial – my 100th cake...


Hi lovely people!!!! This is a gift to all of you!!! After several requests I finally had the time to do it. Hope you like it!!! ...

Cake pop decorating #1: Tulip cake pops!

My first cake pop video tutorial :) making tulip flower cake pops If you like the videos, please subscribe for more content ( it’s free! ) and be sure to share the videos with your friends.

Wedding peacock

Sharing some pictures of the peacock.. he is made from fondant and wafer paper.. I also added gems so he would sparkle … The pictures are not that great , but it lets you see how I...


So, tomorrow morning hubby and I leave for a 2 month trip throughout the states of Tasmania and Victoria in Australia. During this time, I will have reduced access to internet connections… so I...