In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a Sugar Queen of Sheba Orchid using NO CUTTERS, NO VEINERS, and NO MOLDS. I believe the actual Queen of Sheba orchid is even smaller than the ones made...
Hello cake friends! My latest tutorial on working with wafer paper demonstrates how to create a removable wafer paper cake wrap. It also covers how to apply it directly to your cake.
The process...
I have a new video tutorial showing how to make dogwoods using rice paste, my floral medium; but all the techniques can be done exactly similarly using gum paste. The tutorial can be...
When I had my cake shop some years ago, we made dozens of cakes a week and needed about 30-50kg of fondant per week. As you can imagine, this would have cost a lot of money if I was to buy...
As I was getting ready to make some cacti for a southwestern cake, I realized that I didn’t have a cactus cutter. No worries… I downloaded a picture from clip art, printed it and made a template....