Started following Martin Sojka
Started following CakesDecor
Posted a new cake Moto Vespa
Liked Steam snail 3D.
Commented on CakeFlix collaboration-"Como agua para chocolate"
Posted a new cake Tarta zapato Valentino.
Posted a new cake Tarta caballo.
Commented on Tarta Mochila escalador.
Commented on Tarta Mochila escalador.
Posted a new cake Tarta Mochila escalador.
Commented on "Sweet tooth fairies"
Started following Natalia Da Silva Carmona
Liked Maximus & Rapunzel cake
Commented on Maximus & Rapunzel cake
Started following Au pays de Candice
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Started following il mondo di ielle
Commented on P.J.
Commented on SWEET Love
Commented on Lambeth "Mora"
Started following SweetSymphony
Commented on Daisies !
Commented on WALKING DEAD - Daryl
Started following Delicut Cakes
Commented on The Silver Jubilee
Started following Joonie Tan
Commented on Cherry Blossom Fairy
Started following Callicious Cakes
Commented on Tarta Marcela y el 600
Posted a new cake Tarta Marcela y el 600
Commented on SWEET Love
Commented on SWEET Love
Commented on SWEET Love
Posted a new cake SWEET Love
Commented on Lambeth "Mora"
Started following SweetKOKEKO by Arantxa
Started following Florence Devouge
Started following Yolanda García Piqueras
Liked Snoopy Cake
Liked A new Spring
Commented on Lambeth "Mora"
Commented on Lambeth "Mora"
Commented on Elena´s Narcissus for the Fable Spring Collaboration
Commented on Papaver, the guardian of the poppies
Commented on Papaver, the guardian of the poppies
Commented on Hanzel and Gretel Christmas cake.
Posted a new cake Lambeth "Mora"
Posted a new cake Hanzel and Gretel Christmas cake.