Magda's Cakes (Magda Pietkiewicz) is followed by 310 other members

Michelle Donnelly

167 posts and 34 followers

Zuzana Bezakova

6,305 posts and 204 followers

Arty cakes

355 posts and 34 followers

Laura Peterson

174 posts and 66 followers


1,357 posts and 222 followers

Sweet Boutique Ani

958 posts and 139 followers

Super Fun Cakes & More (Katherina Perez)

5,948 posts and 375 followers

Tinkerbell sweets

12 posts and 1 follower

2cute2biteMe(Ozge Bozkurt)

445 posts and 113 followers


0 posts and 0 followers

Calli Creations

63,613 posts and 2,515 followers

Caking with love

101 posts and 99 followers

Asya Vencheva

10,681 posts and 127 followers


8 posts and 5 followers

AWG Hobby Cakes

9,389 posts and 397 followers

My sweet miracles

175 posts and 35 followers


4 posts and 6 followers

Iwona Sobejko

390 posts and 78 followers

Branka Vukcevic

1,251 posts and 331 followers

Coco Mendez

56 posts and 14 followers


1,103 posts and 146 followers

Framona cakes ( Cakes by Monika)

10,773 posts and 151 followers

Laurence Black

18 posts and 0 followers

Dmytrii Puga

2,757 posts and 265 followers


73 posts and 12 followers

Valentina's Sugarland

1,872 posts and 579 followers

Gabriela Doroghy

11,804 posts and 274 followers

Cakes by Evička

3,800 posts and 162 followers

Premierbakes (Julia)

347 posts and 93 followers

Naya Cake

8 posts and 2 followers