G Sugar Art is following 59 other members

Martin Sojka

147 posts and 71,838 followers


9 posts and 70,062 followers


3,815 posts and 114 followers

Isolda's Custom Cake Design

66 posts and 23 followers

Debora calderini

98 posts and 25 followers

Andrea Costoya

64 posts and 44 followers

Sophia Fox

332 posts and 296 followers

Carla Rino Atelier Cake Design

101 posts and 14 followers

Elaine Boyle....bakemehappy.ie

196 posts and 90 followers

Felicita (cake free style)

147 posts and 26 followers

Hemu basu

256 posts and 101 followers

Mania M. - CandymaniaC

488 posts and 442 followers

Sweet Dreams by Heba

18,704 posts and 565 followers

Rose Dream Cakes

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Adelina Baicu Cake Artist

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Sabrina Di Clemente

268 posts and 79 followers

Olana Mary

220 posts and 45 followers

Angel, The Cupcake Lady

2,328 posts and 86 followers


49 posts and 26 followers

Enza - Sweet-E

10,027 posts and 320 followers

Sweet Elizabeth Cake Design

6 posts and 21 followers

Urszula Maczka

178 posts and 19 followers

Pinar Aran

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Elli Warren

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Ceri's Cakes

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CuriAUSSIEty Cakes

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Flappergasted Cakes

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1,878 posts and 131 followers