Easy filler flower

My take on an easy 2toned filler flower. Depending on what you need it for, you could put it on a wire or add stamens. Invert your colours for a completely different look. These are really quick...

Tiny rose

Just sharing how I make my tiny roses using a No.2 piping nozzle.


Quick and Easy Dragonfly Tutorial

I love butterflies and dragonflies. This was so much fun! I really enjoyed working on this so I wanted to share it with you!

Artistic Jealousy

Cake Decorating is an art! Let’s face it we all have different ways to create our master pieces.No two art works are the same this is the beauty of art!.Please share your experience with Artistic...

Fondant Pram Cake Topper

Parrot Tulip Tutorial

Interview #26: Shawna McGreevy

Short Bio I’ve always loved art…ANYTHING involving art. As a kid, I would sketch just about everything I saw, just to see how “real” I could make it look. My bedroom door was covered with...

Belle baby cake topper

Hi,,this is the second work I made inspired to Disney princesses Animator’s collection. I love the baby version of the Classic Princess 😘 I hope it can be useful for you and, if you like it, you...

Sweet Pea Spray Piped on Fondant

Last week was one of those crazy weeks, you know when adding an extra task makes you want to pull your hair out of your head. During my hectic week a friend needed 2 1/2 dozen cookies for a...

Gerbera Flower Turorial - Step by step

Hello lovely cakers, not sure if this is of any use to any one, as there are already some great ways to make these pretty flowers, but this is the way I like to make my own and think the addition...

Caker Shirt!

Hi All!!! Not sure if anyone will see this, but I just had to share that only for the next few days will this shirt I created still be for sale!!! It is perfect for people who love cake, puns...