Oksana Kliuiko is following 463 other members

Nuray Keskin Zorlu

22 posts and 5 followers

Shell Thompson

30 posts and 11 followers

secretos verde violeta

1,683 posts and 195 followers

Sihirli Pastane

271 posts and 182 followers

Laura Loukaides

10,907 posts and 1,382 followers

Margaret Ellis - Art of Sugar

1,122 posts and 191 followers

Nadia "My Little Bakery"

402 posts and 163 followers

mona ghobara/Bonboni Cake

1,935 posts and 190 followers


48 posts and 36 followers

Jenny Kennedy Jenny's Haute Cakes

4,375 posts and 560 followers


25 posts and 14 followers

Angel Cakes

55 posts and 28 followers


2,050 posts and 288 followers

Seize The Cake

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Julia Taran

22 posts and 16 followers

La torta perfetta

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Raquel García

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Ever After

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Dmytrii Puga

2,757 posts and 265 followers

Lynette Brandl

897 posts and 119 followers

Michal Bulla

38,778 posts and 1,413 followers


76 posts and 117 followers

Berna García / Ilusiona Cakes

615 posts and 357 followers

Sugar Duckie (Maria McDonald)

4,812 posts and 237 followers

daniela cabrera

285 posts and 144 followers

Carolinchens Zuckerwelt

155 posts and 69 followers

Emerson Nogueira

28 posts and 24 followers

Sweet Delights Cakery

1,342 posts and 346 followers

Chernakova Yulia

37 posts and 38 followers