Cake Boards #1: York Stone Effect

I received a lot of interest in this cake board for my latest cake which had a boot on it and so have put together a few pictures I took during the process. 1. Roll out fondant onto board. Mix...


I just saw a video from Verusca Walker about making molds out of leftover fondant that was so interesting I thought I’d share it with you. You can see the actual video through YouTube. Take all...

Designer Print Cupcakes

Just thought I’d share a fun idea for cupcake designs that’s easy to do and really has unlimited possibilities. The print used for the flower is an edible image. You can really come up with...

Shrek Lettering - How to make

How to make the Lettering in my Donkey Cake 1. Make a suitable green coloured gumpaste, I used white with a small amount of satin Ice Green & Yellow added to it 2. Using any letter...

The Pink Cake Box Tutorials #2: Tappit letter sets

I know most of you will be whizzes at these but for anyone still struggling here’s a little sequence of pictures I did for a friend who couldn’t work them.. Roll your fondant out thinly, push...

How to line your cake pans with greaseproof paper

I have had a few personal messages on my facebook account on how I lined my cake pans for the carrot cake, I thought this is how everyone did it, but here goes for those who would like to know :-)...

Tutorial - Stained Glass Effect Cake

After seeing the amazing stained glass effect cakes by people like Queen of Hearts Couture Cakes, Way Beyond Cakes by Mayen and Vinism Sugar Art, I decided I wanted to have a go and put my own...

blue cake (triangle)

Hi everyone, This is a tutorial . It’s how I made it easy en quick for my self....

Make FAST Alphabet Blocks

Hi all !!! Here is a quick little tutorial on an easy and fast way to make Alphabet ( or any other type) of blocks. It’s fast and you don’t have to worry about things drying and you save on...

Hidden heart cupcakes

This tutorial shows you how to create the hidden heart images inside cupcakes. I have used a basic red velvet and a basic vanilla sponge recipe for this cake, and used vanilla buttercream. ...

Leopard Print Cupcake Tutorial