Lotties Cakes & Slices is following 249 other members

The Rosehip Bakery

3,074 posts and 317 followers

Beau Petit Cupcakes (Candace Chand)

551 posts and 137 followers


4,172 posts and 160 followers

Deepa Shiva - Deecakelicious

268 posts and 34 followers

Dorothy Klerck

218 posts and 310 followers

Tartas Imposibles

2,780 posts and 753 followers

Gauri Kekre

746 posts and 106 followers


360 posts and 173 followers

Carla Rino Atelier Cake Design

101 posts and 14 followers

Sweet Delights Cakery

1,342 posts and 345 followers


21 posts and 111 followers

Jarid Altmark

15 posts and 35 followers

Jeanne Winslow

4,216 posts and 524 followers

Sweet Little Treat

186 posts and 161 followers


66 posts and 103 followers

Midnight Cake Creations

44 posts and 36 followers


4,578 posts and 317 followers

Emma Lake - Cut The Cake Kitchen

506 posts and 82 followers

Pamela McCaffrey

1,789 posts and 410 followers

Wendy Schlagwein

210 posts and 245 followers


1,261 posts and 351 followers


346 posts and 450 followers

Commie's Cupcakes

24 posts and 9 followers


18,952 posts and 463 followers

Moustoula Eleni (Alchemists of cakes)

864 posts and 260 followers

Designer Cakes By Timilehin

1,140 posts and 168 followers

Little Apple Cakes

12,013 posts and 482 followers

sansil (Silviya Mihailova)

390 posts and 58 followers


1,238 posts and 317 followers

Purple Feather Cake Design

150 posts and 86 followers