Daria is following 46 other members

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147 posts and 71,830 followers


9 posts and 70,055 followers

Claudia Prati

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Escaped to Sugarland

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Sabrina Antinucci

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Jackie Florendo

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Maira Liboa

4,365 posts and 289 followers

Milena Shalabi

1,973 posts and 120 followers

Zuzana Bezakova

6,305 posts and 204 followers

Aurelia's Cake

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Nasa Mala Zavrzlama

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Cake! By Jennifer Riley

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Cécile Beaud

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Sweet Couture

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Justyna A-Majewska JAM

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Gabriela Rüscher

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Aga Leśniak

8,378 posts and 268 followers

Lukrowe Czary Katarzyna Osiecka

76 posts and 58 followers

CakeHeaven by Marlene

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Agatha Rogowska ( Cakefield Avenue)

4,252 posts and 263 followers


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la delice

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Edyta rogwojskiego.pl

146 posts and 54 followers


360 posts and 54 followers

Alina Vaganova

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Tammy Youngerwood

70 posts and 15 followers


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Sweet Elizabeth Cake Design

6 posts and 21 followers