CakesDecor Theme: Watering Cans & Flower Pots

Hi Everyone!! Today’s theme is Watering Cans and Plant Pots. I chose this theme because every time I see cakes like these they immediately make me feel summery and put a smile on my face, and...

Brushes. Tool review competition

I love to paint on cakes. So my fave tool/s are brushes. I own a lot and lot of brushes. I think i have over hundred. I’m always buying brushes. I think it’s an addiction. Here’s a small...

Tool Review: Rubber Matting

This really isn’t a “tool” per say, but very essential none the less. As you can see, I have a very large roll. Purchased at my Ikea store. I use this rubber matting in so, so many ways. ...

Puppy tutorial :)

Little Mouse Tutorial

Hi! I had so much fun making this little guy! :) :)

CakesDecor Gazette: Issue 4.06 / June 2015

Make sure you guys check out this months gazette it is jam packed full of all your favorite collabs and a short but sweet interview with the totally amazing Gilles LeBlanc! ...

CakesDecor Theme: Figurines & Models

Hi Everyone!! I am so happy to tell you that Michal has asked me to take on the new role of cake themes / wedding blog and the weekly brief!! I would firstly on behalf of all the CakeDecor...

Step by step pictures of Walking Dead - Daryl cake

We have a step by step album of this cake on facebook if you want to see how it was made. “WALKING DEAD CAKE...

When You Wish Upon a Star......Pinocchio Collaboration

I am honoured to have worked with an amazing small group or artists on this collaboration celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the launch of Pinocchion the UK. Back in 1940 the film was released...

CakesDecor Review: Classic Fabric Flowers in Sugar by Gary Chapman

I am so pleased to have been given this opportunity to review this Classic Fabric Flowers in Sugar book written by Gary Chapman because as a cake decorator we are not always asked to do a cake...