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Commented on Rococo ~ Cake Central Magazine Volume 6 Issue 1
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Commented on Sanjaya - Indian Fashion Elegance
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Commented on Elegant Indian Fashion - The Golden Blush
Commented on Ashoka
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Commented on Rakta pATala Shaanthi "red rose of inner peace"
Commented on Gray Pinstripe Wedding Cake
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Commented on Lavanna-Elegant Indian Fashion Collaboration
Commented on Zeeba - Indian Fashion Elegance
Commented on Sherya - The Auspicious
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Commented on CakesDecor Theme: Sugar Shoes
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Commented on a 40th Scrapbook
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Commented on Maya: Elegant Indian Fashion Collaboration
Commented on 'Kalyani' - My Elegant Indian Fashion Collab Cake
Commented on Rehana - Gold and pink Indian Fashion Collaboration
Commented on Paddington
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Commented on Shameena - Indian Fashion Collab
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Commented on Claret Springtime
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Commented on Ritika - Elegant Indian Fashion cake collaboration
Commented on Elegant Indian Fashion Collab - Jaffar
Commented on Elegant Indian Fashion - The Golden Blush
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