Sculpting with fondant #3: Frozen Anna baby by Animators Collection - Modelling the body

Today I finally finished my little Anna inspired to the version of the Animators Collection. Here are the shots I took and that I hope can be useful for you. You can find the part 1 of the...

Rapunzel in her Tower tutorial (updated with pictures and stuff I forgot the first time!)

This was my first ever cake a) involving a degree of construction and b) using Dawn Butler’s new Cake Frame product (I bought a starter kit at Cake International, Birmingham) It may be a bit...

Sven from frozen our site where are lots more free tutorials

Christmas Elf - step by step tutorial

I used here fondant with CMC to make the elf

Stars and Stripes Pinwheel Tutorial

All photographs copyright of Little Miss Cupcake and Decobake 2014. All rights reserved. Equipment needed: Create-a-Cake Sugarpaste (non stick) Edible glue PME Star plunge cutter...

Movie "Frozen" Character Cookies

Did a lot of research on how to make “Frozen” Character Movies. I found it almost impossible to make the characters look accurate if not hand paint them directly onto the icing. I hate to have to...

Cake Decorating Business #4: Basic Principles of Pricing Your Cakes

Basic Principles of Pricing Your Cakes Cake pricing is the thing most cake decorators and bakers really struggle with. In part this is because this is a very emotional business we are in, so...

Tutorial #1: Cake Toppers Bride

full Video on:

Billowing Tutorial

The first time I saw a cake with fondant billowing I wanted to try it on a cake one day! What you will need. Fondant, a ruler, exacto knife, rolling pin, water and a brush Roll...

Isomalt Coral

I am not an expert at this by any means. I have just done a ton of trial and lots of errors so I wanted to share what I learned so far. If anyone has anymore tips please let me know and I will...