I'm a software developer but since when I was a child I have the passion for drawing, painting and working with different type of clay, so I love fondant and cake design. I have a facebook page and a website with my cakes works where I share cake projects, receipes and tutorials: www.findyourcake.it.
I have also a website with my handmade artistic works: www.laurasartstudio.com :)
I hope you like my works!


Ciao Laura!! Complimenti per i tuoi lavori!! Sono una nuova fan!!

Ciao Alessandra, sono contenta che ti piacciano, grazie mille. Se ti va di vedere qualcos’altro, visita la mia pagina Facebook o il mio sito web. Adesso vado a visitare il tuo blog su cakes decor :)

Laura's Art Studio & Find Your Cake - http://www.facebook.com/findyourcake - http://www.findyourcake.it - www.laurasartstudio.com - www.facebook.com/laurasartstudio

Love the brilliant tutorials you share! A new follower!

Toni, Pennsylvania, https://www.facebook.com/WhiteCraftyCakes

Love your hand painted cakes. Keep following your step.


Your work is amazing and thank you for the tutorials, new follow from me

Lyn (Nanna Lyn Cakes) xx

Loving your work, Laura… new follow from me :D

Heba Elalfy ***more photos at https://www.facebook.com/sweetdreamstoyou