Cake Decorating Tutorials

Modelling Chocolate Cookie Monster

Made from modelling chocolate & a pair of small scissors you’ll need blue modelling Chocolate in NZ I prefer Chocolate Earth brand as mall ammount of white & a tiny amount of black...

Barney Tutorial

Here is a step by step tutorial for those wanting to try making Barney:) I did this for a cake I had a couple weeks ago and thought it would be fun sharing how I did barney:) Enjoy!

Purple Perfection Peony

Peonies are one of my favorite flowers, we have had them adorn our landscaping for almost 22 years; I remember planting our first peony plant with Sydney...

Most Disgusting cake ever !!!

I wanted to try something funny on my brother’s B day and so, made an Asian toilet cake … By any chance if any of you want to try out this DISGUSTING cake for your friends, here it is.. :-) I had...

Hipo cake topper tutorial

More Tutorials available at my FB page.Thanks

Poppy flower tutorial

Hello every one , Here is a tutorial for my Poppy Flower. I am so honoured to be included on list. Thank you Michal. ...

How to make a Fondant Petite Owl

I came across a most adorable bow online that had the cutest little hot pink owl, and I knew that I had to make it out of fondant:) So here is a pictorial that I put together on how I made...

Fondant Feathers #1: Making a feather with fondant!

I love to keep everything I do, very simple….but simple doesnt always mean EASY! Lol For this tutorial, you may want to use Gumpaste… I used Wilton Fondant (For the record, I ALWAYS use the Liz...

Mother's Day cookie card

A quick tutorial to celebrate Mother’s Day! ♥ Happy Mother’s Day!!!


Now is the strawberry season, i would like to show how to decorate your cake and sweets with fresh strawberry. You can put on your cupcakes, mousse, gelato, etc :) ...

Sugar Paste Fabric Open Rose

I love a full open rose sitting on top of a cake. It is a simple touch of elegance. I had planned on designing a few cakes for Sydney to choose from...