I am a pretty new business (a year into it), and I am wondering what kind of things I can do to start marketing and promoting my business to get more customers at a more quicker pace. I make cake bites, cake pops, and cake bite cakes. Right now I am pretty word of mouth and I have done a few bridal shows. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks:)
Yolanda Marshall, Owner/Designer, http://www.facebook.com/cakebitedelights
If there is a local advertisement site you can try that – also facebook is great for word of mouth too!
Sunny Smiles from the Cayman Isles!, http://www.facebook.com/caymancake or http://caymancake.wordpress.com
Agree w Caymancake Facebook is good & Craigslist has actually been good to me.. Or flower shops..
Craigslist, really? How are where do you post on there? Do people really go there to look for cake decorators?
Yolanda Marshall, Owner/Designer, http://www.facebook.com/cakebitedelights
I’m curious on how MiVidaSweets uses Craigslist too.
Michele, CA, http://www.rockcandycakes.com http://www.facebook.com/rockcandycakes